Friday, February 15, 2013

So I'm Ready to Go...Right?

Passport: check. 
Camera: check. 
Shoes: check.

So I'm ready to go, right? 

Hardly. Although I am much closer to booking plane tickets now than I was this time last week, I still have a little way to go before I can make any purchases. Wait...what? The fact that I am booking my own plane tickets is an adventure in and of itself! I have never done this by myself before (let alone to another country). I also have never, ever been away from my family and friends for [almost] two months before. 

I signed myself up for this, but frankly, I am a little bit overwhelmed. I know that this is all a part of God's bigger picture though, and that I shouldn't be worried about it. God even says "Do not be anxious about anything" (Phil. 4:6), and who am I to question what God says? So, by prayer and petition, I will be presenting my request for peaceful thoughts to God!

And really, what better way is there to start a mission trip journey?

I bet you are wondering where the picture came from, since my camera is in the picture. Or maybe you are not. But either way, my wonderful friend Ashley took it for me!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This blog feels mistitled to me right now, sitting in Carrollton, Georgia, where it is 50 degrees outside. I know that’s not very cold, but it is also not warm compared to the 77 degree weather they are experiencing in Eleuthera!

The island of Eleuthera, Bahamas is the home of the headquarters for Bahamas Methodist Habitat, a U.S. based nonprofit organization that serves many of the communities (and islands) of the Bahamas. This is where I will be for a majority of the summer, serving as an intern at BMH.

I know that I still have four months before I leave, but mission trips require a lot of preparation. Mainly spiritual, but also financial preparation.  Both of these are things that require a lot of support, so I devised this blog as a way to communicate these with you. I plan on posting here regularly, all the way through July, in hopes that we can build a community of prayer, not only for me, but for all the lives that God will touch this summer.

I also plan on posting as often as possible while I am away (which may not be very often), relaying back to you the finer points of my expedition. My intention is for you to also reap blessings from my trip, through this blog.

Please feel free to leave comments or questions!